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Christian on Chairshots- 07/19/01


By Dirty Doug Bloom
7/19/01 Radio Show

 This week's guests are Guido Maritato, Fred Curry Jr.- The Rocket, and Christian.

Rod announces that it is time for the Christian interview that he conducted earlier in the day.

- Rod announces that Christian is on the line.

- Christian says he is looking forward to his match with Edge vs. Lance Storm and Mike Awesome at Invasion.

- Christian said that he was excited to have the WCW/ECW guys aboard because it adds the excitement of something new for the fans.

- Christian said that he knew more about Lance Storm than he did about Mike Awesome because Lance was also Canadian and they went back a few years.

- Christian said that he feels that no matter which Stone Cold is on TV. He thinks it's good for the WWF. He thinks the WWF needs Stone Cold and he plays a good role every time.

- Christian said that he looks for the biggest, most obnoxious sunglasses he can find when out shopping.

- Christian went on to say that the catch phrases they use are given to them on some occasions and the rest are thought of through brainstorming.

- Christian said that the rumors of the breakup between him and Edge are false and that they wrestled in the singles matches as a challenge and it made them more prepared for future tag matches.

- He also stated that he is sure that somewhere down the line when Edge and Christian have run their course that they will become singles wrestlers.

- Christian said that he just got married and he now lives in Florida on the same street as Chris Jericho.

- Christian said that Invasion would be very entertaining with lots of twists and turns.

- Christian said that everyone backstage is a pretty good sport about the promos that he and Edge cut on them.

- Rod thanks Christian for being on and Christian signs off.

- Brent compliments Rod on his interview with Christian.


* credit LOP *