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Edge Talks About Kurt Angle's Surgery, Funny Ribs & More
Story By: Amish Patel
July 03, 2003

Credit to Between The Ropes

- His recovery from surgery is going well and he does not feel any pain. He is not jealous of Kurt Angle and the radical surgery he had performed. Edge hopes that everything goes well for Kurt but still is not entirely sold on the procedure and if it will work for the long term.

- He really enjoys writing the Edgeucation column for WWE.com. He talked about how easy it is to rib Al Snow and how he, Christian and Mick Foley love pulling ribs on him.

- He likes that Smackdown is getting back to some longer matches. He really likes to see the guys work and thinks there is a tremendous amount of talent on that roster.

- Edge discussed the young guys that are really shining for the company like Randy Orton, Spanky, John Cena and Brock Lesnar. He thinks that the future looks bright for the company since they have people like them.

- He said that he is glad that Matt Hardy has broken out the way he has as a singles wrestler and hopes he wins the U.S. Title so he can feud with him over the belt.

Credit ProWrestling.com